An often overlooked area of equine management is preventative care. An annual physical exam is just as important for your animals as it is for you. Having your regular vet perform a physical exam at the time of vaccination means that you can catch illnesses, nutritional imbalance, and vision, respiratory or neurologic deficits earlier. We can tailor a specific preventative care program for your horse including all or some of the following: vaccinations, dental care, fecal testing, deworming, weight management and nutrition.
Vaccinations are foundation of any preventative care plan. Preventing disease is always better than dealing with the cost and stress of treating it. We have a core set of vaccines that we recommend annually for every horse; however, if your horse is traveling or competing regularly then we will help you develop a comprehensive bi-annual plan that gives your horse the best protection possible for wherever they go.
Weight Management can be tricky. There is so much new research coming out on metabolic disorders and disease it’s hard to stay fully informed. Not to mention knowing what feed is right when they’re all surrounded by so much marketing. So why not get your vet on board to help your horse stay fit and healthy. A healthy horse is a happy horse!
Our vets will listen to your horse’s heart, lungs and gastrointestinal sounds as part of our annual physical exam. Monitoring vital organ performance year to year can help catch heart murmurs in older horses or poor breathing capacity in performance horses due to allergies or other subtle illnesses. We want to help keep your horse at optimum comfort and performance levels.