
Looking for large animal services in Asheboro, NC?

These are some of our commonly requested services. Please contact us if you would like to schedule an appointment or would like a quote on one of the many other services we provide that are not listed.

  • Coggins (digital) $35.00, (ELISA) $65
  • Power Dentistry (Float) additional cost of sedation will apply $110.00
  • Rabies $15.00
  • Tetanus/Eastern & Western Encephalitis/West Nile Vaccine $38.00
  • Influenza/Rhinopneumonitis Vaccine (injectible) $35.00
  • McMasters Fecal Egg Count $19.00
  • Digital Radiology: Initial View $65.00 ($45.00 for each additional view)
  • Routine Dental Extraction: Wolf Teeth (call for quote on other extractions) $48.00

Additional Services